Before I tell you about me, I wanted to remind you that..
My name is Krista Abel. I'm an online health & fitness coach and I LOVE fitness/nutrition. I became a coach when I realized that I truly can make a stronger impact on others' lives by coaching rather than just participating.
I am a Sports Nutrition Specialist too! Getting fit is 80% nutrition and 20% physical!
SO MANY people over train in the gym but then forget to eat a well balanced diet (Protein, Carbs, AND FAT!). Without proper nutrition, you can't scorch fat, build muscle, tone up, or increase endurance, mental clarity, your metabolism, OR your ENERGY! We all want to look great AND FEEL GREAT so we can live our lives to the Fullest!
Genetics can play a big factor in how you look.
Did you know that there are ways to appear different than your genetics allows you to? For example: if you want a small looking waist but have wide hips, we can build up your glutes (the bootay) and your lats / shoulders to make your waist APPEAR smaller! How cool is that?!
I can help you figure out what exactly your goals are and can help you implement a strategy based off your level of experience so that you DO reach your goals. For very advanced individuals, I customize nutrition plans specific to you so you can overcome plateaus and continue to get results!
I am a Sports Nutrition Specialist too! Getting fit is 80% nutrition and 20% physical!
SO MANY people over train in the gym but then forget to eat a well balanced diet (Protein, Carbs, AND FAT!). Without proper nutrition, you can't scorch fat, build muscle, tone up, or increase endurance, mental clarity, your metabolism, OR your ENERGY! We all want to look great AND FEEL GREAT so we can live our lives to the Fullest!
Genetics can play a big factor in how you look.
Did you know that there are ways to appear different than your genetics allows you to? For example: if you want a small looking waist but have wide hips, we can build up your glutes (the bootay) and your lats / shoulders to make your waist APPEAR smaller! How cool is that?!
I can help you figure out what exactly your goals are and can help you implement a strategy based off your level of experience so that you DO reach your goals. For very advanced individuals, I customize nutrition plans specific to you so you can overcome plateaus and continue to get results!
How did I get started?
I started working out regularly two years ago. I tried using a 12 week program recommended by the body building website. I was lifting and doing cardio almost everyday but my results weren't as good as I hoped. I WAS WORKING OUT FOR AN HOUR AND HALF EVERY DAY! I was lifting for a half hour THEN doing LOTS of cardio. The lack of results was discouraging. I wasn't eating properly and I was getting comfortable with my workout routines. I had no one to push me. I needed something new, a better challenge that was PROVEN to work.
I started working out regularly two years ago. I tried using a 12 week program recommended by the body building website. I was lifting and doing cardio almost everyday but my results weren't as good as I hoped. I WAS WORKING OUT FOR AN HOUR AND HALF EVERY DAY! I was lifting for a half hour THEN doing LOTS of cardio. The lack of results was discouraging. I wasn't eating properly and I was getting comfortable with my workout routines. I had no one to push me. I needed something new, a better challenge that was PROVEN to work.
SO I spoke with MANY health & fitness coaches, did LOTS of research, tried new things, THEN became a Sports Nutrition Specialist so I could understand what makes workout & nutrition programs effective and efficient. I didn't want to rely on others to tell me "what works." I wanted to know the science behind it. For those of you that have followed my transformation, you know that I am -ABSOLUTELY- loving my results AND the freedom I have to eat almost anything!
My genetics definitely cause me to store fat in my stomach so I was astonished when I had ab lines down my torso for the first time in my life! I know nutrition played a *HUGE* role in that! I've never had so much energy AND I could tell that my metabolism skyrocketed! I was finally giving my body the nutrients it needed, when it was needed, and eating the correct portion sizes/combinations so that the food re-fueled my muscles and kept my energy levels consistent which also helped with mental clarity! I was NOT STARVING myself (ruins your metabolism). Instead, I was increasing my metabolism by EATING MORE! How awesome is that?!!
Since I've seen such great results, I am now passionate about nutrition & fitness so I've decided to help others reach their goals. I live a balanced life by eating healthy, exercising routinely, and surrounding myself with positive people.
What do I do as a coach? I recommend or design nutrition programs to help my clients reach THEIR specific goals! It's based off what kinds of food they like and it can be customized to fit their lifestyle! It allows them to eat pretty much anything (in moderation)! It teaches them how to eat a balanced diet that portions out their MACRO's (Protein, Carbs, AND FATS!). I can't believe I have abs and am allowed to drink wine & have treats. That's hard to beat!
Favorite place: I got married Kauai, Hawaii in May of 2015. It was Amazing*!! Check out my album on facebook: "Aloha! We loved Hawaii!" We went on SO MANY -unforgettable- adventures!! We actually moved to Oahu (Hawaii) 2 years later because we loved it so much! So, if you're planning a trip there, get hold of me!! I can fill you in on some of our favorite places AND how to save some money!
Favorite activities: I love to surf, do yoga on the beach, snorkel, hike, and enjoy the 80 average and sunny weather!
Before I became a coach: I also am a certified public accountant (yes, I prepare taxes & audit) and I’m a photographer! You can check out my photography skills here!
What I love: Fitness/nutrition and photography are my passions. I love posting motivational phrases, healthy recipes, workouts, and tips & tricks to encourage, motivate, and educate others! I also love capturing a specific moment in time with photographs!
FITNESS GOALS: I want to eventually have muscle and low body fat like bikini competitors but on an ongoing basis. I am so eager to reach my goals but I also know the importance of staying consistent and getting fit in a HEALTHY WAY. What I love: Fitness/nutrition and photography are my passions. I love posting motivational phrases, healthy recipes, workouts, and tips & tricks to encourage, motivate, and educate others! I also love capturing a specific moment in time with photographs!
Want to get fit together?! Let me help you create a nutrition & workout plan today so you start working towards your goals too!
You’ve read SO much about me! I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOU! Please share!
Add me to facebook and introduce yourself! OR send me an email!
I can’t wait to hear from you! I would love to get to know you & your goals so I can help YOU TRANSFORM TOO!
Until then, keep enjoying the little things in life and keep making EVERYDAY *AMAZING*!
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